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The Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) was established in May 2013 to drive the development of the offshore wind sector in the UK.


Building on the outputs of the 2019 Offshore Wind Sector Deal and Seizing our Opportunities: Independent report of the Offshore Wind Champion, published in 2023, OWIC brings together industry and government to realise the UK’s ambition of 50GW of offshore wind by 2030.  


Co-Chaired by the Minister of State for Energy Security and Net-Zero and a government-appointed industry co-Chair, OWIC actively drives progress towards offshore wind delivery, supported by an industry-funded work programme and dedicated team within RenewableUK.  

Read more about us here >




OWIC works with representatives from the following organisations involved in the offshore wind sector.


Offshore Wind Growth Partnership Logo

© 2024 by RenewableUK

The Offshore Wind Industry Council brings together industry and government to realise the UK’s ambition of 50GW of offshore wind by 2030.  

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